My first really big shopping mall. Axo Plaza.
http://slurl.com/secondlife/Archan/57/51/60. I think I've blundered in here before and went to try and find the green dots only to find some camping in the sky. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm already suffering from mall fatigue. There's so much stuff but it all kind of merges into a grey mush of useless crap somehow. So I found some dots but no one to talk to :(. And I've traversed the first most northernmost island of the continent now. I'm trying to make Grey find his own new circle of contacts but SL feels a lot more cliquey than 4 years ago. I'm getting the sense of multiple private-ish chat rooms and not the sense of greater community that was there earlier in its life. SL is getting like RL and feeling lonely if you don't know people. God knows how new players cope with this.
To be fair to Axo Plaza, the floating ads aren't theirs. Just another pox on the landscape as there is no planning permissions/zoning :)